At the heart of psychotherapy is the statement:
“I am worth it.”
Therapy in Midtown Manhattan
How did you get here?
You are here, considering therapy, because there’s a gap between the way you feel and the way you want to feel.
You are enduring or settling when what you really want to be is thriving.
To the outside world you may look content or successful, and you may even agree some of the time. Or you may think you *should* agree. But at heart you know…
This is not what I want.
I want to stop pretending that this is okay.
I do not have to settle for this.
Psychotherapy is a commitment to yourself.
When you commit to psychotherapy you are saying:
My concerns are worth focusing on.
It is worth it to build better relationships.
It is worth it to confront the issues that keep me from living the life I want to lead.

Photo © Andrew Kaplan 2018
How Therapy Can Help
Simply considering therapy is a positive step.
It suggests an intention: the intention to change.
It suggests a belief: a belief that you can go beyond mere endurance to have a more meaningful, authentic, and contented life. A life that is more consistent with your values, hopes, and dreams.
In therapy, I will help you build that intention to change into a commitment.

Andrew Kaplan, MA
Licensed Mental Health Counselor/
We’ll uncover what is blocking you from the relationships or life that you want.
We will identify the inner voices that drive you – the voices of society’s expectations, of your parents, the negative and fearful voices that constrain you – and separate them from your authentic inner voice.
Throughout this process, I will give you the support you need to accept yourself, your experience so far, and your desires – your true self. From this acceptance flows the courage to look at and break old patterns, to build on your strengths, and to live life according to your own values.
True transformation can happen. If you are ready to work, I am ready to commit to your growth. To take the first step toward changing your life…
If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.
– Gnostic proverb
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